Spiritual Warfare

Victory Over the Darkness  book                                                             by Dr. Neil Anderson
Victory Over the Darkness emphasizes the importance of believing and internalizing the cardinal truths of Scripture as a base from which to renew the mind and fend off Satan's relentless attempt to convince us that we are less than Christ empowers us to be. Learn how to: Realize the power of your identity in Christ Free yourself from the burdens of your past  Stand against the spiritual forces of this world Win the battle for your mind  Become the spiritual person you want to be Discover the truth about God's view of you 
The Bondage Breaker   book                                                                     by Dr. Neil Anderson
The Bondage Breaker helps readers discover how to break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of sinful behavior. In this updated and expanded edition, Neil reveals the position and vulnerability of believers, then presents specific steps to help them achieve true freedom. Dr. Anderson has helped thousands of people—including anorexics, bulimics, and people caught in personal conflicts — overcome their problems through biblical perspectives, biblical answers, and active affirmation of their identity in Christ.
Discipleship Counseling    book                                                                     Dr. Neil Anderson
Help People Walk Free in Christ Building on the concepts found in Victory over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson's counseling ministry guide provides clear information and excellent models to help you understand what discipleship counseling is all about. If you're a pastor, counselor or lay leader, this resource will make you more comfortable, confident and competent in your role as encourager. In turn, this will help you free people from their emotinal pain and spiritual conflicts, as you guide them to a more complete understanding of who they are in Christ. Specific Counseling Areas Covered in Depth Include: € Defining mental health and understanding how biblical counseling addresses the whole person-body, soul and spirit € Counseling the spiritually oppressed and counseling in Christ to resolve the root issues € Overcoming false guidance, deception, bitterness and rebellion € Helping others experience freedom in Christ 
The Steps to Freedom in Christ  booklet (for taking a client through the Steps to Freedom)
Freedom in Christ   web site                                                                         Dr. Neil Anderson

Suggested "Round-up Procedures" for Eviction of Controlling Wicked Spirits after going through the Steps to Freedom Process  web article
I worship and honor my heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit; the true and living God Who promised, "I will never leave you or forsake you." I welcome and honor the unseen presence of my Lord Jesus Christ who promised always to be with us when we meet in His name.

“Soul Ties -- Power to Control”   web article                                             by Dr. Kenneth Copley
Soul ties are,”unholy alliances”,”perverse relationships”, they are best defined as  A strong intimate bonding relationship between two or more people. I like The term soul-joined. Soul--Gr.”psyche”--meaning mind,will,and emotions. James 1:21, 1Peter1:22, Joined--Gr-.-“Kollao”--to glue,to stick, 1Corinthians 6:16.

Dealing With Soul Ties   web article                                                                by Shield of Faith
Soul ties, What are they? Scripture talks about ungodly soul ties that effect our spiritual freedom. Shechem and Dinah in Gen. 34 illustrate an ungodly soul tie resulting from sexual union.


Reclaiming Surrendered Ground: Protecting Your Family from Spiritual Attacks  
book                                                                                                                 by Jim Logan
Sometimes Christians forget they have an enemy. But let your guard down for just a moment and Satan -- ever watchful for an opportunity -- is waiting to attack not just you but your family as well. Jim Logan shows how Christ alone can save your home from the destructive powers of bitterness, unforgiveness, pride, and anger.

Adversary: The Christian Versus Demon Activity  book                                 by Dr. Mark Bubeck
Here at last is a practical handbook that has proven itself in the field of spiritual warfare. Learn the answers to such questions as: What is Satan's strategy in spiritual warfare? Can a Christian be oppressed by demons? Can demonic affliction be passed down through family lines? What are the symptoms of demonic activity in a person's life? This best-seller will help you aggressively plan your triumph by relying on the almighty and powerful Word of God.

Non Christian Religious Experiences  web article   
Deffinitions of occultic practices.

The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine  book  by Dr. Michael Jacobson and Neil Anderson
A friend swears to you that her new herbalist cured her migraines. After years of trying everything else, your brother's lower-back pain is relieved by acupuncture-though your family doctor doubts it will work for long. When it comes to holistic health and medicine, everyone has questions-and now, thanks to Dr. Neil T. Anderson and Dr. Michael Jacobson, Doctor of Osteopathy, we have authoritative, biblically based answers! The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine gives you a biblical grid for evaluating medical treatments and systems and alternative therapies-then having separated the fantasies from the hard facts, it shows you how to develop your own "recipe" for holistic health and apply it to your daily life. Do the authors have all the answers where theology and medicine are concerned? No-but God does! 

Should a Christian go to a Reflexologist?   pdf                                         By Dr. Jacobson
We are pastors in a non-denominational church . . .We had a couple from our church [recommend a reflexologist to] us . . . and want to [give] it to us as a gift. Could you please advise
us as to what to do and how to handle it with them if we don’t go [to the reflexologist]

Yoga-Relaxation or Occult?  web article                                    Adapted by Linda Fimbres 
Yoga is from the Sankrit word Yug, meaning "union" (with the Divine, your higher "SELF"). Yoga is a path for transcending the ordinary mind (who you think you are) in order to merge with your "higher SELF" or "God SELF." Yoga means "to yoke" -- to yoke with Brahman (i.e., the "Infinite," the "Universal Spirit," the impersonal force that the Hindus call "God") via the realization of an altered state of consciousness, thereby theoretically releasing oneself from the bondage of endless reincarnation.

Assignments from The Enemy Camp   web article          by Selwyn Stevens, Ph.D.; M.C.R.
Any Christian church or ministry which is growing through effective evangelism and maturity will be targeted by the enemy of our souls, and his agents. 


Prayer to Break all Ties to the Incubus and Succubus Spirits  web article   by Annemie Munnik
These spirits are spirits that seek to have sexual intercourse with men and women during the night hours. Incubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have intimate relationships with women while they are asleep while Succubi is described as a spirit being that comes to have relationships with men in their sleep. 

Dealing With Demonic Interference/Opposition During the Session, Prayers and Commands1 to Neutralize Demonic Interference PDF           by  K.D. Lehman M.D. & C.E.T. Lehman M.Div.
We perceive that this careful approach to exposing demonic spirits, obtaining information, and
preventing further interference will be especially helpful for individuals or teams that are just
beginning emotional healing ministry and that do not have the gift of discernment of spirits.

Client Resources

Fight Cards Verses   listby Dr. Alaine Pakkala
The list of verses in her new series of "Fight Cards." Verses to help you learn to do battle with the enemy. The cards can be ordered at www.lydiapress.com

Lies of the Enemy  web article
I am a victim and helpless.
I will never change – it’s hopeless.
I’m different and so is my problem, so it won’t work for me.
I deserve to be punished and condemned.

Verses to Meditate on Before Going to Sleep  web article
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.        ~Psalm 4:8

Scars   web article
Some years ago, on a hot summer day in South Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not 
realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the shore. 

I Am a Soldier   PDF (bookmark)
I am a soldier in the army of my God. The Lord Jesus Christ is my commanding officer. The Holy Bible is my code of conduct. Faith, prayer, and the Word are my weapons of warfare. I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity and tested by fire.

Prayer for Restful Sleep   web articleby Dr. Alaine Pakkala
“Heavenly Father, I come to you and put my sleep for this night into Your hands. I refuse any thoughts, dreams or sleep patterns that are not from the True and Living God. I cancel any plans Satan may have for this night and replace them with God’s plans for my sleep. 

We trust God to the degree that we believe He unconditionally loves us.
Resist the tempter not the temptation.
God never operates through tyrannical enforcement (fleshly legalism) or through manipulation, intimidation, control, or domination – but Satan does.
      ~ Karen Sackett
As long as you have garbage you're going to have rats.

People won't always live what they profess but they will live what they believe.
~ Timothy Warner

Worry is what people do that don't know God.

Enemy involvement- when a normal problem isn't normal anymore. 
             ~Jim Logan

When the flaming missiles of the enemy are allowed to penetrate the hedge of God's protection they become the refining fire of God.
   ~ Warren Wiersbe

Not every thought that enters your mind is yours.

The wolf's tactic is to seperate the sheep from the sheepherd.

What we don’t understand we fear and what we fear we worship.

Any area that you don’t want God to control - Satan will. ~ Warren Wersby

You can’t worry about something if you are thankful for it. 

If this is from the True and Living God, I accept it. If it is not, I reject it. Show me,
Lord, if it is from You.~Alaine Pakkala

To cower in fear before Satan is a twisted form of worship and is exactly what he wants. Satan is worshiped because he is feared. 

Should we rebuke every negative thought? No! You don’t overcome the father of lies by trying not to believe him. You overcome the lies of this world by choosing the truth, and you keep choosing it until your mind is renewed. 

The enemy attacks through our thoughts: 
fleeting thoughts, well-entrenched thoughts,
enticing thoughts, enticing thoughts, harassing thoughts, accusing thoughts, vague thoughts, confusing thoughts, bizarre thoughts, distracting thoughts, lustful thoughts,
condemning thoughts. ~ Pakkala

“I loose the enemy’s hold on my will. I throw off any bindings, fogs, confusion or paralysis that he may have brought to my will. I choose to exercise my will in agreement with the truth of the Word of God. I can decide. I choose to decide. I am not helpless. I
am not a victim. I am one who overwhelmingly conquers through Christ. I reactivate my will in agreement with God’s choices for me.” ~ Pakkala